> Cyber-Geography Research Update Bulletin

Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 13:24:39 +0000 (GMT)
From: martin dodge
Subject: Cyber-Geography Research Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 4, 8th March 1999

========================================================================== == Cyber-Geography Research Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 4, 8th March 1999 == == < http://www.cybergeography.org/bulletin-1-4.html > == ==========================================================================



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Welcome to the Cyber-Geography Research Bulletin. This is a regular, free, email bulletin to inform you of changes and new additions made to the Geography of Cyberspace Directory and the Atlas of Cyberspaces on the Cyber-Geography Research web site. The bulletin is distributed about once a month, depending on how much time I have available for my cyberspace exploration.

This bulletin is available on the Web at http://www.cybergeography.org/bulletin-1-4.html

We are happy to acknowledge the support of CORPEX. They are kindly sponsoring the Cyber-Geography Research web site.

The Geography of Cyberspace Directory
* http://www.cybergeography.org/geography_of_cyberspace.html *
* http://www.geog.ucl.ac.uk/casa/martin/geography_of_cyberspace.html *

New for "Global Internet Diffusion" section :

  • Holderness M., 1997, "The Internet: enabling whom, when and where?", paper presented at a United Nations University INTECH seminar in Maastricht. ( http://www.poptel.org.uk/nuj/mike/unu-sout.htm )

    New in the "Internet Traffic and Demographic Statistics" section :

  • Internet Weather Resources. A useful annotated summary list of measurement tools and resources maintained by Nancy Bachman, Caida.org. ( http://www.caida.org/~nlb/weather/ )

  • The Web Characterization project of W3C. The main aim being to "... provide information for the Web community how the Web is currently being used and anticipated use in the near future." ( http://www.w3.org/WCA/ )

    New for "Some Useful References" section:

  • Anders P., 1998, Envisioning Cyberspace: Designing 3D Electronic Space, (New York:McGraw Hill). ( http://www.mindspace.net/NewPages/ECToC.html )

  • Brunn S.D., 1998, "The Internet as 'the new world' of and for geography: speed, structures, volumes, humility and civility", GeoJournal, vol. 45, No. 1-2, pages 5-15. (No information online)

  • Carazo-Chandler C., 1998, Cyberspace - Another Geography. Territories, Boundaries and Space., unpublished Masters thesis, University of Canterbury, New Zealand. ( http://cybergeography.hypermart.net/ )

  • Harpold T., 1999, "Dark Continents: A Critique of Internet Metageographies", Postmodern Culture, January 1999, Vol. 9, No. 2. ( http://www.lcc.gatech.edu/~harpold/papers/dark_continents/index.html )

    An Atlas of Cyberspaces
    * http://www.cybergeography.org/atlas/atlas.html *
    * http://www.cybergeography.com/atlas/atlas.html *
    * http://www.geog.ucl.ac.uk/casa/martin/atlas/atlas.html *

    There are two completely new pages added to the Atlas this month. They are:

    Artistic Cyberspace - http://www.cybergeography.org/atlas/artistic.html
    Surf Maps - http://www.cybergeography.org/atlas/surf.html

    The Artistic page contains images and representations of Cyberspace created by artists. At present examples are drawn from cyberpunk literature (Gibson's "Neuromancer" and Stephenson's "Snow Crash") and cinematic Cyberspace (Tron, Johnny Mnemonic, and Hackers). The Surf maps page contains examples of dynamic maps that show Web browsing trails. Examples include HistoryTree, SurfSerf, Nestor Navigator, Natto View and Web Path. Over the next few months these pages will be further developed as I do more research into these themes.

    New for the "Geographic" page:

    * Images of the SaVi Satellite Visualization system which maps the orbital patterns of satellite constellations. SaVi was developed by Robert Thurman and Patrick Worfolk, in the Geometry Center, University of Minnesota. ( http://www.geom.umn.edu/~worfolk/SaVi/ )

    New for the "Topology" page:

    * Example of a graphical representations of Usenet information structures. This is part of the Netscan research project being undertaken by Marc Smith, a research sociologist at Microsoft Research. ( http://netscan.research.microsoft.com/ )

    New for the "ISP Maps" page:

    * A new map of UUNET's UK backbone network from February 1999. ( http://www.uk.uu.net/network/ukmap/ )

    Please remember there is a mirror site for the Atlas of Cyberspaces in the USA at http://www.cybergeography.com/atlas/atlas.html (The mirror was kindly donated by TeleGeography, Inc., Washington D.C. - http://www.telegeography.com/).


    The latest Network Wizard's Internet Domain Survey for January 1999 revealed a global total of 43.2 million Internet hosts. This is up from 36.7 million in July 1998. The top ten domains were:

    1. 	com	12140747Commercial
    2.  	net	8856687	Networks
    3.  	edu	5022815	Educational
    4.	jp	1687534	Japan
    5.	us	1562391	United States
    6.	mil	1510440	US Military
    7. 	uk	1423804	United Kingdom
    8.	de	1316893	Germany
    9.	ca	1119172	Canada
    10.	au	792351	Australia

    See http://www.nw.com/zone/WWW/report.html for more information

    * The Computer Industry Almanac Inc. reported over 147 million worldwide Internet users at the end of 1998, up from 61 million Internet users at year-end 1996. The top ten countries in terms of weekly Internet users (millions) were:

    1.	US		76.5
    2.	Japan		9.75
    3.	UK		8.10
    4.	Germany		7.14
    5.	Canada		6.49
    6.	Australia	4.36
    7.	France		2.79
    8.	Sweden		2.58
    9.	Italy		2.14
    10.	Spain		1.98

    More information from http://www.c-i-a.com/199902iu.htm

    * Nua's How Many Online? reports their 'educated guess' at the global number of online users as of March 1999 at 163.25 million. Their regional breakdown is as follows:

    Africa			1.14 million 
    Asia/Pacific		26.55 million 
    Europe			36.11 million 
    Middle East		0.78 million 
    Canada & USA		94.2 million 
    South America		4.5 million

    Further details from http://www.nua.ie/surveys/how_many_online/index.html


    thanks for your attention
    martin dodge


    I welcome your comments on the usefulness of the bulletin and also on my Web pages. Suggestions for new information on the theme of the geography of the Internet, WWW and Cyberspace are also welcome. Send them to m.dodge@ucl.ac.uk.

    If you want to be removed from the update bulletin distribution list please email me at m.dodge@ucl.ac.uk, with a subject line like "Please remove me from the update bulletin", remembering to include your email address.

    (Copyright (c) Martin Dodge, 1999)
