> Bulletin-2-02, 7th Sept. 2000

Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2000 17:21:18 +0100 (BST)
From: martin dodge < m.dodge@ucl.ac.uk >
Subject: Cyber-Geography Research Bulletin, Vol. 2, No. 02, 7th Sept. 2000

==   Cyber-Geography Research Bulletin, Vol. 2, No. 02, 7th Sept. 2000  ==
==        < http://www.cybergeography.org/bulletin-2-02.html >          ==
== 				< ISSN 1471-3489 >   		 	==



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Welcome to the Cyber-Geography Research Bulletin. This is a regular, free, email bulletin to inform you of changes and new additions made to the Geography of Cyberspace Directory and the Atlas of Cyberspaces on the Cyber-Geography Research web site. The bulletin is distributed about once a month, depending on how much time I have available for my cyberspace exploration.

This bulletin is available on the Web at http://www.cybergeography.org/bulletin-2-02.html

I am happy to acknowledge the support of CORPEX. They are kindly sponsoring the Cyber-Geography Research web site.


The Geography of Cyberspace Directory
* http://www.cybergeography.org/ge ography_of_cyberspace.html *
* http://www.geog.ucl.ac.uk/casa/martin/geography_of_cyberspace.html *


New for the "Mapping the Internet" section:

* Moore, D. et al., 2000, "Where in the World is netgeo.caida.org?", paper presented at the INET 2000 Conference, 18-21th July 2000, Yokohama, Japan. ( http://www.isoc.org/inet2000/cdproceedings/posters/226/index.htm )

New in the "Visualising Information Space" section:

* A range of information visualization research at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA.
( http://multimedia.pnl.gov:2080/infoviz/index.html )

* Benford, S., Taylor, I., Brailsford, D., Koleva, B., Craven, M., Fraser, M., Reynard G. and Greenhalgh, C., 1999, "Three Dimensional Visualization of the World Wide Web", ACM Computing Surveys, December 1999.
( http://www.cs.brown.edu/memex/ACMCSHT/51/51.html )

* Information Visualisation Lecture Notes by Keith Andrews, Institute for Information Processing and Computer Supported New Media (IICM), Graz University of Technology, Austria. ( http://www2.iicm.edu/ivis )


New for the "Global Internet Diffusion" section:

* The Mosaic Group are undertaking the Global Diffusion of the Internet Project to measure and analyse the growth of the Internet throughout the world. ( http://mosaic.unomaha.edu/gdi.html )

* Press, L., 2000, "The State of the Internet: Growth and Gaps", paper presented at the INET 2000 Conference, 18-21th July 2000, Yokohama, Japan. ( http://www.isoc.org/inet2000/cdproceedings/8e/8e_4.htm )


New in the "Internet Statistics" section:

* "The Deep Web: Surfacing Hidden Value", a useful white paper by BrightPlanet.com, July 2000, on the real size of the Web when you count hidden information resouces in database driven websites. ( http://www.completeplanet.com/Tutorials/DeepWeb/index.asp )

* Minges, M., 2000, "Counting the Net: Internet Access Indicators", paper presented at the INET 2000 Conference, 18-21th July 2000, Yokohama, Japan. ( http://www.isoc.org/inet2000/cdproceedings/8e/8e_1.htm )

* Coffman, K.G. & Odlyzko, A.M., 2000, "Internet growth: Is there a "Moore's Law" for data traffic?", unpublished preliminary version, July 2000, AT&T Labs. ( http://www.research.att.com/~amo/doc/internet.moore.pdf )

New for the "References" section:

* Huffaker, B., et al., 2000, "Measurements of the Internet Topology in the Asia-Pacific Region", paper presented at the INET 2000 Conference, 18-21th July 2000, Yokohama, Japan. ( http://www.isoc.org/inet2000/cdproceedings/8e/8e_3.htm )

* Koppell J.G.S., 2000, "No 'There' There: Why cyberspace isn't anyplace", Atlantic Monthly, August 2000, Volume 286, No. 2, pages 16-18.
( http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/2000/08/koppell.htm )

* Rohozinski, R., 1998, "Mapping Russian Cyberspace: Perspective on Democracy and the Net", paper Prepared for the UNRISD Conference on Information Technologies and Social Development, 22-24 June 1998, Geneva. ( http://www.unrisd.org/infotech/conferen/russian/toc.htm )

* Smith M.A, Farnham S.D., & Drucker S.M., 2000, "The Social Life of Small Graphical Chat Spaces", Proceedings of CHI 2000, 1-6th April 2000, The Hague, Netherlands, pages 462-469. ( http://www.acm.org/pubs/articles/proceedings/chi/332040/p462-smith/p462-smith.pdf )

New for the "Miscellaneous" section:

* TELECOM-CITIES Research Update, published monthly by Anthony Townsend and Rob Zand, Taub Urban Research Center, New York University. ( http://www.informationcity.org/telecom-cities/index.htm )

* Course title: "Geography of Cyberspace", fall 2000; lecturer: Harvey J. Miller; Institution: Department of Geography, University of Utah. ( http://www.geog.utah.edu/cybergeography/ )


An Atlas of Cyberspaces
* http://www.cybergeography.org/atlas/atlas.html *
* http://www.cybergeography.com/atlas/atlas.html *
* http://www.geog.ucl.ac.uk/casa/martin/atlas/atlas.html *
* Italian Language http://www.museoscienza.org/museovr/cybergeography/ *

A large number of interesting new additions in the Atlas.


New for the "Conceptual Maps" page:

* NewMedia 500 is an annual conceptual map of the new media industry showing 500 hundred different corporations and their financial and strategic interrelations. It was created by NewMedia ( http://www.newmedia.com/ ).


New on the "Artistic" page:

* Some of the stunning images of cyberspace created by Marcos Novak. ( http://www.centrifuge.org/marcos/ )


New for the "Geographic Maps" page:

* Matthew Zook's map of the geography of domain names in downtown San Francisco. ( http://www.zooknic.com )


New for the "Cables & Satellites" page:

* Fibre-optic route map for Oregon, USA. ( http://www.econ.state.or.us/telecom/oregonofficemap.htm )

* The Alcatel map of submarine cable systems across the globe. ( http://www.alcatel.com/telecom/snd/ )

* A map of the extensive fibre-optic network of Williams Communications. ( http://www.williamscommunications.com/ )


New for the "Census Maps" page:

* Maps showing the geographical deployment of high-speed, broadband Internet access technologies in the USA compiled by the FFC.
( http://www.fcc.gov/Bureaus/Common_Carrier/News_Releases/2000/nrcc0040.html )

* A census map of Internet connectivity in Turkey created by IIker Temir. ( http://ilker.ulak.net.tr/backbone-map/current/ )


New for the "Topology" pages:

* A graph visualisation of showing the topology of the core of the Internet as defined by AS numbers, developed by CAIDA researchers. ( http://www.caida.org/analysis/topology/as_core_network/ )

* A graphical view of the domain name structure produced by the DNS Bajaj tool. ( http://www.foobar.tm/dns/about_bajaj.html )


New for the "Information Maps" page:

* Two innovative visualisation of conversations on web-based chat boards developed by Rebecca Xiong ( http://graphics.lcs.mit.edu/~becca/ ) as part of her graduate research at MIT Media Lab.
- PeopleGarden ( http://graphics.lcs.mit.edu/~becca/pgarden/ )
- WebFan ( http://graphics.lcs.mit.edu/~becca/webfan/ )

* Lighthouse provides a visual interface to Web search engines. It was developed by Anton Leuski.
( http://toowoomba.cs.umass.edu/~leouski/lighthouse/ )


New on the "Information Spaces" page:

* cospace is an experimental 3D shared environment for browsing the Web, developed by Thomas Kirk and Peter Selfridge at AT&T Labs.
( http://cospace.research.att.com/ )


New for the "Historical Maps" page:

* Two Maps of MILNET (Defense Data Network) in the US and Europe, from 1989. ( http://www.cybergeography.org/atlas/historical.html )



Please remember there is a US mirror site for the Atlas of Cyberspaces at http://www.cybergeography.com/atlas/. (This mirror is kindly provided by the TeleGeography, Inc.)


Map of the Month
* http://www.cybergeography.org/maps/ *

Recent Map of the Month columns.

* August's column looked at the mapping work of TeleGeography, with an interview with the founder Greg Staple.

* September's column examined NewsMaps, an information mapping website.


* http://www.mappingcyberspace.com *

Mapping Cyberspace, by Martin Dodge & Rob Kitchin
Published by Routledge; October 2000: 246x174: 296pp
Paperback ISBN 0-415-19884-4: £19.99 / $32.99
Hardback ISBN 0-415-19883-6: £60.00 / $99.00

The book Mapping Cyberspace is being printed at present and will be published on the 27th of October 2000. The book website is now fully open at http://www.mappingcyberspace.com/ . The website contains full details on the book along with all the maps and images featured in the book.

We are holding a book launch in London on the 27th of October. There will be a reception followed by a lecture from Rob Kitchin at University College London starting at 6pm. Everyone is welcome to come along.

Please drop me an email note (m.dodge@ucl.ac.uk) with your name and postal address if you would like to attend and we will send you a formal invitation with full details. Note, that copies of the book will be available for purchase at the reception (hopefully at a discount).


Mapping-Cyberspace Discussion List

If you're interested in discussing the wider issues of measuring and mapping the Internet and the Web why not join the new Mapping-Cyberspace List. It is a free and unmoderated mailing list.

Full details on the list and how to join are available at:

Or just send email to: mailbase@mailbase.ac.uk
with the message: join mapping-cyberspace firstname lastname
(E.g. join mapping-cyberspace John Smith)



thanks for your attention
martin dodge


I welcome your comments on the usefulness of the bulletin and also on my Web pages. Suggestions for new information on the theme of the geography of the Internet, WWW and Cyberspace are also welcome. Send them to m.dodge@ucl.ac.uk.

If you want to be removed from the update bulletin distribution list please email me at m.dodge@ucl.ac.uk, with a subject line like "Please remove me from the update bulletin", remembering to include your email address.

(Copyright (c) Martin Dodge, 2000)
